Essentially as long as someone is remembered they are immortal.  Socrates is said to have defined immortality as a person remaining in the collective memory of their culture.  So far in human history only the famous, infamous or divine have had the privileged of reaching Socratic immortality.   

By starting Honest Immortality™ I am trying to honor the memory of my grandfather, Harper Charles Allan.  Being a WWII Veteran, faithful husband and inspiring grandfather he left a big hole in my life when he passed away.  I had always had a special relationship with him as we were both "military" men and I had a fascination for his stories of World War II and wanted to hear them all.  

After he passed I was troubled by how quickly people move on and those invaluable life lessons and stories were relegated to the individual memories of the people who heard them.  I decided then and there that I would eventually provide people with a solution to this problem and allow them to preserve their loved ones memories and stories into the future.  Thank you for visiting www.HonestImmortality.com and I wish you a wonderful rest of your life. - Sprigley Allan, Founder

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    The contributing authors to this blog are all volunteers who want to help people preserve their legacy online.


    February 2013

